It is an honor to look back on the success teachers have using Organized Binder. Here a few snapshots teachers have shared from the 2014-2015 school year:
“I can't tell you how much easier it's been since I've made this system my center of gravity. It really gives me a sense of cohesion and clarity for units and the year.” --Jose Rosario
“I love the organized binder. This is the first year that I can implement it from the very start of the school year. I almost have my system down pat, and I can use my binder from last year to improve my lesson planning and pacing. I just handed out the periodic table yesterday to everyone to put in their Academic Toolkits (Page G) and I had no qualms, doubts, or fears that they would be thrown away or lost. I am so grateful to you and your system - it has saved me and made my life a lot easier. I think my students like it too (even though they complain, because they're 13) especially more-so now that we're in the 3rd unit and they know what to expect with grading." --Roxy Yanko
“Day 2 (and maybe I am speaking too soon) and I have never seen kids take to a system so quickly. I swear, having the warm up each day, having them come in and have that routine down by day 2!!?? Amazing! Thank you so much :)." --Molly McNinch
“I work with Lizzy Kelly at Connect and I am the Lead Middle School teacher. Lizzy shared with me The Organized Binder system--- such a wonderful program! This is a teacher's dream; all in one place! Where have you been all my life?!” --Janel Catalano
“Funny thing happened today: I had a parent conference (guidance counselor, vice princ., all other teachers, student, and his mom). He is literally failing every one of his classes and has been all year, due to lack of effort and caring, not understanding. He doesn't keep any papers in any folders, teachers were complaining that he throws everything out and doesn't write anything down. I could go on forever, really. But, when it was my turn to speak, well, it was different (of course, you know where this is going....Organized Binder saves the day). Although he is still failing my class, I was happy to say that he has all of his assignments in his binder, organized and in order, although not completed, they are there (25/25 on binder check). The solution we came up with centered around OrgB's green agenda C page. I suggested that his mom check it each day after school to see what he did in class, if he had homework, and see if a quiz/test was coming up, then she could initial it each day or week. The student agreed, no problem, and the guidance counselor said great idea!" --Morgan Zielinski
“They recently took a chapter test, and my averages were higher than normal! I asked the students if the binder helped, and they said it helped having everything in one place! It's totally changed the way I teach also. In class worksheets mean more now, since they are for points in the binder and I use problems from class much more for tests and quizzes. I'll be putting data together in the coming months to show my administration the differences.” --Nicole Shepard